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[VOTE] Processing Stones *Solved

Discussion in 'Black Desert Discussion' started by loboram, Jun 6, 2023.


Exchange old Processing Stones to something useful

  1. Yes

  2. No

    0 vote(s)
  1. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    Simple vote to gauge how many would like some form of compensation, for their now useless Processing Stones, whatever enhancement level they may have, they may function as intended, but they are essentially useless since you cannot put them into the Central Market, nor can you exchange them for a proper Processing Stone, the new ones that can go into the Central Market, and that work for all Processing needs.

    Yes; Some form of compensation, or possibility to several exchange options.
    No; There is no need for compensation.

    As of right now, the problem seems be have been fixed. You can now use the New Processing stones, and we will all get a compensation for the ones we had.
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2023
    Forte likes this.
  2. Forte

    Forte New Member

    Oct 18, 2020
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    I vote yes. Talk with someone in Telegram about the processing stones.

    I bought the new one(multicolored) in PEN (V).
    But the new stone(almost the Techton i bought) can't wear now...maybe in the next update.

    So i'm still using the old ones. I have 3 in PEN, 2 or 1 in TET and 1 or 2 in TRI.
    Thanks in advance! :)
    loboram likes this.
  3. Forte

    Forte New Member

    Oct 18, 2020
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    Here you can watch what i'm saying. Still using the old ones for mass processing. But i can wear new Multicolored ones.
    Here is a short video....

  4. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    - Additional fixes for Tranan Underfore Cannon, Lynch Cannon for sieges, Monsterbane Cannon for Khan installation due siege NPC template changes
    - Added [Hunting] Master Matchlock & [Hunting] Gauche Master Matchlock items and recipes/reform data for them
    - Added missed spawn for quest [Manor] Highest Spot in Port Epheria
    - Added missed spawn for NPC's: Darak, Liana, Eil and many other's like Knowledge/Ghosts etc
    - Fixed [Exceed] Self-obtainable Black Spirit's Rage +20% effect from lightstones combo
    - Fixed Secret Book of Florin item give +20 mastery buff instead +100
    - Fixed Rawr-Rawr hunting Field boss has too much evasion
    - Fixed Fossil Hard mode Breukia too tanky
    - Fixed incorrect extra human buffs (must be ains) for some lightstone/artifact buffs
    - Fixed Purified Lightstone of Flora manufacture recipe
    - Fixed incorrect Ancient Spirit Dust drop count from Glorious Box of Spoils
    - Removed old processing stones from market (will be compensated automatically by mail, items in inventory will be replaced at next restart)
    - Now spawn protection time will be applied to short teleports too (except PvP games to avoid abuse)
    - Added family check support between NA and EU servers to avoid false-positive "Family name is available"
    - Added support for opening New Year Hanbok Outfit Set and Glorious Shudad Premium Set boxes for Sage & Corsair
    - Update Epheria Galleon stats (Cannon balls increased to 2000, durability increased to 3kk. WIP, animations & skills coming soon)
    - Temporally enabled Loggia/Izaro/Manos Riding Crop equip until season crop integrated to client
    - Server stabilization fixes and minor performance changes

    Vote closed, with results :D
    Great work Developers...keep it up.
    Forte likes this.

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